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Golden Pledge Best - Our Strongest And Very Best Roof Warranty.

High-Quality & Installation

Roof Shingles

Master Elite® Certification is GAF’s factory certification program that provides ongoing training to roofing contractors and assurance to you that the roof will be completed well and professionally. Only 3% of all roofing contractors have qualified as Master Elite® Choosing a GAF Master Elite® contractor is your assurance that you’ll be dealing with a quality, and dependable professional contractor, not some “fly-by-nighter”.

A new roof is more than just shingles. When you install any GAF Lifetime Shingle and at least 3 qualifying GAF accessories, you’ll automatically get a Lifetime ltd. warranty on your roof shingles and all qualifying GAF accessories.

Hiring a GAF Certified Contractor

To become factory-certified as GAF Master Elite® Contractor, roofing contractor needs to show that they are:

Partnered With GAF

View Our Options

GAF Timberline HDZ®

GAF Timberline
American Harvest hdz®

GAF® Timberline UHDZ®

Affordable Roofing, LLC.

GAF Lifetime Roofing System

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FeltBuster® High-Traction Synthetic Roofing Felt is a key part of the GAF Lifetime Roofing System & has earned the Good Houekeeping Seal.

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WeatherWatch® Ice & Water Leak Barrier

Self-sealing protection for vulnerable areas of the roof against wind-driven rain and ice dams.

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Infinite Wind Speed Protection

GAF Windproven

The GAF HDZ shingle is the only architectural shingle on the market that comes with an unlimited wind speed warranty. This means for the first 15 years GAF provides you with an industry-leading 15 years of infinite wind speed protection. Doesn’t matter how strong the wind is these roof shingles are guaranteed to withstand the storm. 

guaranteed to withstand any wInd storm

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As you can see, it’s required that you have 4 products installed to be eligible. However, the other manufacturers only offer a 110 mph wind warranty on architectural shingles. Some of the other brands offer an upgrade to 130 mph if you use their starter shingle and 6-nail the shingle. But none have an unlimited or infinite wind speed warranty.